Saturday, May 19, 2012


The first thing traders should learn from the flea is that when it is time to make a move into the market for a profit, or out to protect yourself from danger, let that move be like the flea's quick, clean and decisive. A flea never vacillates; every move has a purpose behind it. And as a result of his moves, and his quickness in making them, the flea gains a very satisfactory living for a small outlay of effort, and at a minimum risk to himself. If you don't believe his risk is small, just try to catch a flea! The flea promptly fastens himself on the most inaccessible portion of the Big Operator's back, where he can neither be reached nor shaken off. In other words, whenever and wherever the Big Operator moves, the flea moves right along with him. The Big Operator does all the work and assumes all the responsibility, while the flea feast in solid comfort! And while the Big Operator at times finds a collection of fleas on his back very annoying, and resorts to shake-outs, and other similar tricks to rid himself of them, the flea knows the tricks of the Big Operator as he should, and there is relatively small danger of being shaken off. The flea can tell by certain well known signals (resulting from manipulation) that the Big Operator is in the market, and when he sees these signals, he goes after him, and attaches himself, and rides him right through the campaign, and has the best meals and service provided free of charge (except for commissions). Richard D. Wyckoff

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